Tactics: Western Philosophers Vs. Musicians
A turn-based tactical game combining rules and gameplay elements inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics and the Mayfair Exponential Game System. Unlike most games of this type, motion is in full, grid-less 3D.
hit position
hit normal for edges and corners
hit position
hit normal for edges and corners
box-sphere first intersection
and rotating) obstacles.
Obstacles can occupy multiple bins. The driver and target, however, are only hashed to one bin, regardless of their volumes. This can result in the driver not reaching its goal since the space it occupies may extend into bins outside the found path and where obstacles lie. Another result is that a path is only searched for to the bin containing the center of the target's bounding volume.
This is inefficient as _movementLeftInAction may not change each frame.
shouldn't check this every frame
notify all players; probably need PCs to wait in onEvocation()
should verify this happens for all clients in networked games
should remove from warrior
shouldn't check this every frame
notify all players; probably need PCs to wait in onEvocation()
should verify this happens for all clients in networked games
should remove from warrior
handle multiple defenders
Skip the current move action if the warrior is moving towards another warrior for an attack or special move this round and the defender is already in attack range. However, this prevents rotating towards the defender, so don't allow the skip for now.
lame, have a better way to choose a special move based on the closest attack ranges
lame, don't just choose a random attack
lame, don't just hardcode the power punch modifier